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Automation Anywhere v11 Workbench Introduction

Workbench is one of the component of Automation Anywhere Client which is also called Task Editor or Bot Editor. It Business Process Specialist and IT staff with all the tools necessary for Enhancing, Streamlining and deployed automated process. Non-technical business user can also quickly build and deployed automated processes with simple drag and drop operations yet the solution is flexible and robust enough for technical IT staff to built more complex, Integrated and End-to-End processes. You can use the workbench to create automation to include task bots or Meta bots and configure comments to create your task bots and Meta bots logic. The components to help you to do this are:

1)Action Button

From here, you can Run, Create, Record, Save and Debug list of the command or logic that you have created in the Action List.

2)Action List

You can navigate to multiple task bot or meta bot logic from here and you can edit them side by side making copy paste and reuse job easier. It also helps you to refine or combine them into a large end to end complete process.

3)Commands Panel

It contains all the automation any where commands. You can drag and drop commands into the actions list panel and move and edit commands as per requirements.

4)Variable Manager

It contains both user and pre define variables. You can add, modify and copy variables from one task to another task.

5)Error View

It helps to manage the error come during the task execution. You can  monitor the process of the task and debug them.

6)Bot Dependencies

You can add bot dependency files into the task to export the dependent files (like doc,docx, xls, xlxs, csv, mvp, pkxm, exe, pdf, txt, jpg, png, pnp and XML.) and upload these files to control rooms.