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Automation Anywhere v11 Architecture - Web Control Room

The heartbeat of the automation anywhere enterprises RPA architecture is the WEB CONTROL ROOM. Here, human central be manage and deployed enterprises most sophisticated Bots. With comprehensive workload Management, Granular Security Controls and Highly –Intuitive dashboard that delivers operational analytics and actual business inside. The automation anywhere enterprise v11.0 web control room is the brains of the entire operation.


  1. Home - The controls room built in interactive dashboard can be customize to show you critical date upfront with customizable widget giving you the flexibilities to drill it down by applying specific filters.
  2. Bots - Bots dashboard provides operational analytics on bots in your RPA platform.
  3. Devices - Devices dashboard lets view its ability of your RPA environment at advance.
  4. Audit - Audit dashboard allow you to monitor various advance such as the highest percentage of an activity been performed based on either user name or host machine type and a visual presentation of the filled your log.
  5. Workload - Workload dashboard allows viewing workload status of device pools, queue and work item in the work load executive and do an operational manager’s dashboard.
  6. Insight - Insight dashboard helps automation experts and consumer to interactive analysis test data and enhances widgets.


  1. In Progress -  Bot execution can be monitor live on in progress section of the activity mode.
  2. Scheduled -  This feature shows the scheduled information of bots.
  3. Historical -  By the prior history of bot execution can be viewed in the historical section.


  1. My Bots -  You can view your bots under control room bot repository. It provide the capability to filter in search for specific bot. Bots can be run schedule and edited to sac production version.
  2. Credentials -  The bot repository also contains the credentials vault with enhanced capability for admins which helps enforce enterprise wide security powers by delivering banks rate credential security.


In devices section, you can view the registered client devices his status, user name the system they are connected from and device that belong too. You can create a Bot Pool, Schedule Bot and Run the Bot from here.


Workload management provide a parallel workload distribution mechanism for faster output.


Control room audit log capture details of all activities performed on RPA platform. It provides easy search options and filters to view precised data items.


Administrative functions Like Users, roles, licenses, Control Room settings and migration are found under the Administration section.

That’s not all Automation Anywhere Enterprises v11.0  control room has a responsive user interface. This means the control room interface can be access from any type of device from Home, Office or on the go to manage and monitor your bots effectively, So, there you have it. The automation anywhere enterprises v11.0 web control room the brains of your RPA operation.

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